Welcome to the next evolution in graphic novels.


INFEX is a revolutionary interactive experience, based on the original graphic novel.
This application features an immersive story,
innovative design, animated artwork, orchestrated sound track, and fully voiced script.

INFEX is presented in 4 PHASES, allowing you to unlock the book in episodes.

  • PHASE Buttons indicating RED are locked, and must be purchased within the App.

  • PHASE Buttons that are GREEN, allow you to quickly navigate to that chapter, as well as unlock bonus content and videos.

  • PHASE 0 is a free introduction presented as a motion comic and featuring the first 10 pages of the novel.

  • Once you have purchased a PHASE, you can swipe into the book and begin experiencing the pages.

  • If you haven't purchased a PHASE, swiping into the book will reveal locked panels.

Navigate the book by swiping left and right.

  • Touch panels to view the story. Most pages are read left to right, but some may be read top to bottom or in a circle.

  • The AUTOPLAY BUTTON (indicated with a blue arrow ) allows you to play the entire page in sequence.

  • To replay a panel, simply press the panel again.

  • Tapping the screen with TWO FINGERS brings up the Navigation HUD. This allows you to scroll between pages or return to the main menu. Tapping on the page, returns you to the book.

BONUS Pages are hidden throughout the book. Press the FINGERPRINT Icon to access these pages. Tapping the animation will dismiss it.

Be sure to look for clues for future content. This is only the beginning.


Visit INFEX on the web: www.infex.tv

Our Business Working for You

For more information write to support@infex.tv
